- 0.1:文字的随机变化
- 0.2:下雨的矩形列
- 1:应用到场景中
准备一张1024 x 1024大小的文字贴图,r通道包含了将要用于随机显示的16行 x 16列的文字信息:
我们使用compute shader生成一张白噪声RT来达到随机的目的:
// Each #kernel tells which function to compile; you can have many kernels #pragma kernel Generate_White_Noise // The below macro is used to get a random number which varies across different generations. #define rnd(seed, constant) wang_rnd(seed +triple32(_session_rand_seed) * constant) uint triple32(uint x) { x ^= x >> 17; x *= 0xed5ad4bbU; x ^= x >> 11; x *= 0xac4c1b51U; x ^= x >> 15; x *= 0x31848babU; x ^= x >> 14; return x; } float wang_rnd(uint seed) { uint rndint = triple32(seed); return ((float)rndint) / float(0xFFFFFFFF); // 0xFFFFFFFF is max unsigned integer in hexa decimal } // Create a RenderTexture with enableRandomWrite flag and set it // with cs.SetTexture RWTexture2D<float4> _white_noise; uint _session_rand_seed; #define image_dimension 512 [numthreads(8,8,1)] // 16 in 16 image. void Generate_White_Noise(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { uint pixel_unique_id = id.x + id.y * image_dimension; float rand_x = rnd(pixel_unique_id, 1); float rand_y = rnd(pixel_unique_id, 861); _white_noise[id.xy] = float4(rand_x, rand_y, 0.0, 0.0); }
Shader "Unlit/ScreenSpaceMatrixEffect" { SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } LOD 100 Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "UnityCG.cginc" struct appdata { float4 vertex : POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; struct v2f { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float4 vertex : SV_POSITION; }; uint _screen_width; uint _screen_height; sampler2D _white_noise; sampler2D _font_texture; v2f vert (appdata v) { v2f o; o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); o.uv = v.uv; return o; } float text(float2 coord) { float2 uv = frac (coord.xy/ 16.); // 获取当前block的uv float2 block = floor(coord.xy/ 16.); // 获取当前block的ID. 左下角是(0,0),右上角是(15,15) uv = uv * 0.7 + .1; // 做点缩放让字符更大 float2 rand = tex2D(_white_noise, // 从变化的白噪声贴图中获取随机值 block.xy/float2(512.,512.)).xy; // 512 是白噪声贴图的宽度. 除以宽度让每个block对应噪声贴图的一个像素 rand = floor(rand*16.); // 每个随机值被用于在16列的font_texture中采样 uv += rand; // 让uv做随机偏移 uv *= 0.0625; // 将uv从0-16. 映射成0到1,以便从font_texture中采样 uv.x = -uv.x; return tex2D(_font_texture, uv).r; } #define scale 0.6 fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { fixed4 col = float4(0.,0.,0.,1.); col.xyz = text(i.uv * float2(_screen_width, _screen_height)*scale); return col; } ENDCG } } }
float3 rain(float2 fragCoord) { fragCoord.x = floor(fragCoord.x/ 16.); // 得到列号 float offset = sin (fragCoord.x*15.); // 每一列雨柱需要有不同的起点,对列号取sin值作为偏移 float speed = cos (fragCoord.x*3.)*.15 + .35; // 列号取cos值得到不同的速度.加上0.35保证是正数 float y = frac((fragCoord.y / _screen_height) // 这一行让y映射成0到1 + _Time.y * speed + offset); // 给y加上不同的速度和偏移 return float3(.1, 1., .35) / (y*20.); // y值越大越暗 } #define scale 0.6 fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { fixed4 col = float4(0.,0.,0.,1.); col.xyz = rain(i.uv * float2(_screen_width, _screen_height)*scale); return col; }
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { fixed4 col = float4(0.,0.,0.,1.); col.xyz = text(i.uv * float2(_screen_width, _screen_height)*scale)*rain(i.uv * float2(_screen_width, _screen_height)*scale); return col; }
我们如何让数字雨沿着场景模型流动呢?这里需要用到triplaner mapping三平面映射的技术。简单来说就是利用世界空间坐标在三个方向上采样纹理,最后通过法线计算权重混合结果。核心代码如下:
float3 MatrixEffect(float2 coord) { float3 col = float3(0., 0., 0.); float3 rain_col = rain(coord* float2(dropLength, dropLength)*scale); if (global_colored == 1) rain_col = rain_colored(coord * float2(dropLength, dropLength)*scale); return text(coord * float2(dropLength, dropLength)*scale) *rain_col; } fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { fixed4 col = float4(0.,0.,0.,1.); float3 colFront = MatrixEffect(i.worldPos.xy + sin(i.worldPos.zz)); float3 colSide = MatrixEffect(i.worldPos.zy + sin(i.worldPos.xx)); float3 colTop = MatrixEffect(i.worldPos.xz + sin(i.worldPos.yy)); float3 blendWeight = pow(normalize(abs(i.normal)), sharpness); blendWeight /= (blendWeight.x+ blendWeight.y+ blendWeight.z); col.xyz = colFront * blendWeight.z + colSide * blendWeight.x + colTop * blendWeight.y; //控制距离相机一定范围内才有特效 //float distance_to_center = distance(i.worldPos.xyz, _Global_Effect_center.xyz); //float control_value = saturate(_Global_Transition_value); //if (control_value * 60.0f < distance_to_center) col = col * 0.0f; //特效从中间向两边展开,.cs来赋值_Global_Transition_value //float2 screenPos = i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w; //col *= split_from_midle(screenPos.x, _Global_Transition_value, 0.0f); col = min(1.5,col); return col; }